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Susco creates intuitive software for innovative organizations across many industries.  Our work helps people live more fulfilling lives by reducing their repetitive tasks, allowing them to concentrate on more valuable work.

Susco is located in the Greater New Orleans Area and is one of the fastest-growing tech companies in Louisiana.  We develop custom web-based business software with a focus on legacy system conversions.  Our primary development platforms are C# .NET for web services, and Ionic/Cordova for mobile apps.

Our Core Values

Growth: We believe we can create a better world by constantly growing as individuals, resulting in growth for the Company and growth for our clients.

Communication: We believe everyone deserves to feel like they have been heard and understood. We don’t complain about things under our control. We accept constructive criticism dispassionately.

Action: We believe we don't have good days, we make them.  We believe in being proactive and not reactive. Passivity leads to a lack of involvement, while our focus is on creating the future.  We don't complain, we identify and solve problems.

Teamwork: We believe that we are human beings first, coworkers second.  We strive to be cognizant as people with lives outside of this office.  As a high-performance organization, there are times of high stress.  In those times, we rally to get the job done and we recognize our behavior and performance impacts our team. 

Efficiency: We believe in learning from our mistakes the first time.  We believe there is a time and place for complex solutions for complex problems.  We also have the ability to decompose complex problems into simpler problems. When we see a problem or inefficiency, we have both the responsibility and the ability to propose solutions.  

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